Automotive is part of our DNA. In fact, our headquarters is a former 1930s auto repair shop. Our team has worked up and down the supply chain – from OEMs to suppliers to data providers. We have also supported dealers and aftermarket providers, as well as high-profile industry events. LE&A has been assisting automotive clients manage internal and external communications around the industry’s dominant trends of innovation, advanced technology, mergers and acquisitions for decades.
The firm’s automotive experience drives our office in Detroit, right in the heart of the auto capitol of the world. LE&A provides full-service communications counsel and program implementation to automotive and service providers from all tiers of the supply chain, as well as some of the world’s leading automakers, component manufacturers and system integrators.
Our team is high performance, able to quickly accelerate, change direction with ease and stop to redirect campaigns on a dime. We are a well-oiled machine, with vast background in OEM corporate, supplier and agency business, and we know the gears that move the industry and provide our clients with unmatched expertise.
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