Public Relations Specialists are similar to advertising executives and marketing specialists. They work for companies and individual clients, and they work hard to change the image or perception that people have of their clients. They might help a company launch a new product with a viral marketing campaign, or they might help introduce new packaging for an existing product through a television campaign. Some specialists also work with nonprofit organizations on advertising campaigns and fundraising efforts to bring in more money for that group to use.
Public Relations Job Education Requirements
Most Public Relations jobs require a minimum of a bachelor's degree, but those working in the field often study different topics. Some of the more popular undergraduate degrees include those in journalism, communications, business or English. They must know how to craft compelling press releases and news releases that will bring attention to a product or company, how to research data and the needs of the community, and how to get the press excited about a new topic or idea. Students interested in working in Public Relations should do at least one internship in college. Skills required of Public Relations Specialists include problem solving skills, written and oral communications skills and the ability to work with diverse groups of people.Public Relations Job Market
With nearly 230, 000 people working as Public Relations Specialists in 2012, some might think that the job market is saturated. Statistics show that this field will increase at a rapid rate that is higher than the average rate of growth reported across all types of jobs. This indicates the addition of 27, 400 new specialist positions.Public Relations Job Salary Information
Public Relations Specialists earn a median wage of $40, 000 a year, but the bottom 10 percent of those working in the field make a median wage of $32, 000 and the top 10 percent earn a median wage of $56, 000 a year. Those working for advertising companies may earn an hourly wage of around $20 an hour. Similar jobs that involve working in marketing and working with the public include Events Coordinator jobs and Advertising Marketing jobs.
Source: www.monster.com