Strategic Public Relations management

May 19, 2020

PSPR 6201 – Public Relations Principles & Practices

The Foundations of PR Strategy & Tactics
This course examines public relations history, theory, trends, tools and tactics, and provides an in-depth analysis of major theory and practices. Special attention is given to the influence of new media on the credibility and delivery of public relations and public affairs programs. Students analyze real-world case studies as context for an applied understanding of how and why to plan, execute and evaluate these programs, and they prepare a detailed professional communications plan that addresses an important management issue affecting a public relations or public affairs challenge. They also look at the growing role and value of public relations as a management function in business, government and not-for-profit institutions, and the attendant role of public affairs in addressing public policy and political issues.
(Parnell - Fall 2016)

PSPR 6202 - Advanced Writing for Communications Professionals

From Context to Composition and Beyond
This course examines the essentials of effective public relations and public affairs writing, emphasizing strategic thinking and compositional precision as the source of their efficacy and power. Students learn to write time-tested professional communications for the media and other target audiences such as legislators or voters, creating and editing their classmates’ as well as their own backgrounders, press releases, media alerts, issue primers, stump speeches, pitch letters, plans and proposals. They also study the views of reporters and editors regarding what’s right and wrong with today’s public relations and public affairs writing. Lastly, they learn about writing for blogs, Web sites and other online media, and compose a press kit of their completed assignments in both draft and edited form.
- Fall 2016)

PSPR 6203 – Research Methods

Measuring & Evaluating PR and PA Program Success
This course examines proven pre- and post-program methods for measuring and evaluating effective public relations and public affairs campaigns and initiatives. Students learn basic and advanced tools and techniques, including statistical analysis, and analyze the panoply of research concepts and technology, including the use of the online and social media surveys, that affect consumer and/or political action. Conducting their own projects, students learn how research can be used to create, sell, manage and strengthen public relations and public affairs programs.
(Ioffreda - Spring 2017)

PSPR 6204 – Media Relations in the New Media World

New Tools, New Challenges, New Thinking
This course deconstructs the art and theory of media relations from the public relations and public affairs perspective. Students analyze the state of contemporary media – online and off – and its impact on commerce, politics and the human contract, examining key factors influencing reportorial and editorial coverage of business, government and not-for-profit interests. Special emphasis is on the advent of the Internet, the rise of citizen journalism, and the impact of blogs and other social media. Students develop a strategic media relations campaign aimed at publicizing a product, service, idea or issue of their employers or other organizations, and that uses a variety of traditional and non-traditional publicity tools and techniques guided by sound messages and directed to sensible outcomes.

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