After many years of criticism, MPR is finally increasingly acknowledged as a separate discipline which adds value to marketing and public relations activities. The pioneer of MPR, Tom Harris, has played a major role in making MPR more prominent. Not only do MPR techniques add credibility to messages, but the business's brand is enhanced and repositioned which lead to increased sales. Credibility increases trust and trust creates loyal customers. MPR is now also considered as a full element of the promotional mix which during an Integrated Marketing Communications (IMC) campaign can add value to creating an awareness about a product or service when used with direct marketing, advertising, sales promotion, the Internet, to name but a few.
Some examples of where MPR techniques can add more credibility to sales messages:
- Product demonstrations
- Media tours
- Surveys and speeches
- Celebrity product endorsements
- Online communication
- Press conferences about new products or services
- Sponsorships
- Social responsibility.
- Advertorials